1. mtSNP conversion tool
• mtSNP conversion tool allows mtSNP data indicated as a difference to the rCRS to be converted to FASTA sequence.
• This tool basically provides alignment result between rCRS and converted sequences.
• This tool also allow users to check the validity of mtSNP through the comparison between input and re-calculated mtSNP data.
2. Input format
• This tool supports two types of input formats that are used in mtDNAmanager program and EMPOP database.
• mtSNP data of a sample should be composed of sample name and mtSNP list.
• White space in sample name should be replaced other characters such as hyphen ( - ) or underscore ( _ ).
• Sample name and mtSNPs should be separated by white space or tab.
Example mtSNP list in tab or space limited format
If a sample mtDNA sequence is identical with the rCRS,the mtSNP profile must be recorded as "sample_03 rCRS".